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What sort of person does Xplore?

Many people I meet have a heart to do mission but are limited by finances or can't find a year out that actually allows them to do what they feel God has called them to or gifted them in. Of course you may still be at the point of not knowing what it is you should do but feel you should do something.  


Those doing the Xplore year in are a huge mix of people, we have some who are at university and Xplore is helping them reach other students, while others are working full-time or part-time. We even have a person who works for a church and Xplore is helping to put a missional framework around what she does on a day-to-day basis.


Each of these people lead different lives, have different amounts of time available and need different things from Xplore. What they share in common is a desire to do mission and evangelism in their communities.


I know they wouldn't describe Xplore like I just have, they use phrases like, "being part of a family" or "keeping mission right at the front of what I'm doing".


So really the question isn't do I have the money? or, do I have the time? The real question only you can answer is, Do I have a heart for mission and evangelism where I am?

What are the benefits of doing a year in?


  • get to shape your mission and evangelism to suit your local community

  • decide how much time you want to invest in Xplore each week

  • are part of an online learning community stretching across the United Kingdom and Ireland

  • receive weekly teaching

  • take part in two residential training weekends with the other Xplorers**

  • get access to one of the largest agenies (Church Army) doing evangelism in the United Kingdom and Ireland

  • have the option to take part in a weekend placement with a Church Army evangelist

  • can go on the optional mission trip to Romania

  • face-to-face meetings during the first four weeks of Xplore with the programme leader

How much time will it take?

Time, the currency of our age!


Can you read a chapter of a book each week? This should take about 20 minutes. You then need to allow time to meet with the other Xplorers online from across the United Kingdom and Ireland for between 60 minutes and 90 minutes once a week for training from Xplore Programme Leader, Neville Barnes. You get to pick the session that best suits you for the online group - a morning session, afternoon session or evening session.
In addition to the online teaching, there is also the expectation that you will be involved in mission and evangelism each week, althought the amount is for you to decide.


There will also be two weekends away during the year in, one in October and one in the new year, this means we get to know each other, worship together, pray for one another and benefit from some teaching.


The mission placement with a Church Army evangelist and trip to Romania are both optional.



How much will it cost?

Nothing, Zilch, diddly, How many ways can you say it's free. We will not charge you to do mission through the core Xplore programme. The two weekends away (accomodation and food) will be covered by Church Army, all you need to do cover is the cost of getting there. The only other cost will be the book which we use on the Xplore programme, if you want to purchase it. 


If you want to indulge in all the optional extras, such as the mission trip to Romania and the weekend placement with a Church Army evangelist, then you will need to pay for those.


What if I don't know how or what to do for the mission/evangelism bit?

Those who do Xplore come from a mix of backgrounds, working for churches, those at university, those working in everything from building sites right through to call centres and also unemployed folk, so a real mix. This means a range of mission calling as well. Some want to see church planting happen, for others it's about reaching people on their estate or at their university. Some are called to work with the homeless, while others are passionate about social justice. Talk about variety.


So what about you?


Some people are clear about what the Lord is calling them to. Most I've met are not in that situation but know that there is something they are called to and that mission is part of it. Don't be frightened by seeing others doing mission or evangelism and feeling, "I could never do that" rising in you. We don't want you to "do that". If God is drawing something missional out of you it is going to have a "you" feel to it and also needs to be right for the context. Xplore is a good way to explore what that mission might be. The other thing we are good at is trying things out and giving things a go for the first time. If your starting with a missional heart that's enough to begin with.

What if its not right for me, how do I escape?

We can't believe you'd want to! But Jesus gave people the chance to leave him and that seems like a good practice. We ask people to stick around until the weekend away in the new year, but at that point you can decide whether to stick with us. That might be down to you having no time or discovering Xplore is just not right for you.

Are there rules or other expectations?

Xplore has a rule of life or a way of life which shapes itself around simplicity, purity and accountability, but you need to work that out in practice for yourself. Church Army, the parent organisation of Xplore, also has a rule of life. If you are going to do Xplore you need to agree with these and practice them in your own life. 


Mentoring/discipleship should be a part of all our lives. Therefore, we strongly encourage people to find someone in their local context to meet up with them regulary for this purpose.


We don't have any rules, however we do have a memorandum of agreement. This doesn't tie you into anything, but makes clear what Xplore is and our expectations of you.

Why are the first four weeks different?

The first four weeks of Xplore include face-to-face meetings with the programme coordinator and other Xplorers who live near to you. These weeks will focus on establishing the mission habits that underpin Xplore. Xplore is more than academic, it is also about the practice of mission. These initial weeks help us to talk about what is possible and put a little more meat on the bones of Xplore for you. 


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